SEO Quotes – The boulevard to ‘SEO success’ is very wide but complex. Ranking on first page of Google and converting traffic into sales are not decided in heaven. It is decided by your acts you perform to boost your website right here!
I’ve seen a lot of never-ending arguments about SEO and internet marketing from leading forum sites. These debates steered many practitioners to scratch their heads.
It’s always said that, it’s very important for us to take the advice of experts in the field. Just because they’ve been there for long time and they’ve done those stuffs.
Great philosophers, writers, politicians, comedians, and darts commentators throughout the years have been quoted over and over again; their words of wisdom resonate as we strive to improve our very being.
Here is a list of 200 SEO Quotes to Enlighten Your Thoughts about online marketing.
Lead Straight ahead by understanding SEO and Internet Marketing in a better way.
- “Social is the way our work gets discovered. Content that is truly exceptional, unique, and useful can earn tremendous awareness through social media, and that social amplification often leads to great links, which leads to great rankings.” ~ Rand Fishkin, CEO/Co-Founder, Moz
- Educate before you convert and find ways to filter for not right customers. ~ @randfish moz.com
- “Integrating your search and social efforts brings better brand visibility and higher conversion rates.” ~ Jim Yu, CEO, BrightEdge
- If you want to continually grow your blog, you need to learn to blog on a consistent basis. – Neil Patel
- SEO is like Acupuncture and Homeopathy: It Works Even if You Don’t Know How or Why — Tad Chef, SEO 2.0 SEO Blog
- “What continues to plague search marketers is the adherence to old-think issues: ‘Content is too hard to create.’ ‘Links are too hard to build organically.’ This type of focus blinds you to more important things.” ~ Duane Forrester, Senior Product Manager, Bing
- Create something people want to share. – John Jantsch
- Imagine seeing that people who were first touched by advertising on Facebook vs. an organic follow/click on Twitter had 10% less CLTV.
- SEO is not dead, it’s just no longer fashionable which is a good thing. — Lyndon Antcliff, Cornwall SEO
- “The days of SEO being a game outsmarting algorithms are over. Today content strategy and valuable, sustainable strategies are essential, not just tricks and links.” ~ Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG
- “We should be thinking about social and search as channels that need a unified approach, because the best content should appeal to both channels and the cross-over benefits/economies of scale are potentially huge.” ~ Will Critchlow, Founder, Distilled, Inc.
- “Social networks are a terrific window into human behavior; you can judge what a niche responds to and market to it more effectively by watching for trends and interacting with influential people in the network. ~ Debra Mastaler, President, Alliance-Link
- “Social media is about connecting with customers in a meaningful way – a way the customer determines is meaningful.” ~ Duane Forrester, Senior Product Manager, Bing
- “Companies are rushing headlong into content today, and rightly so. It’s a battle to get noticed online amidst the noise and crowds.” ~ Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG
- “A company that builds a loyal social following has a built-in army to promote their content, day in and day out. That content will get shared, get links, send social signals…all of which can’t be a bad thing.” ~ Wil Reynolds, Founder, Seer Interactive
- “Over the last two years, 90% of global data has been produced by digital, search, and social content.” ~ Jim Yu, CEO, BrightEdge
- “Since people tend to share links (content) that affect them emotionally, it’s more important than ever to understand the demographic you’re selling to.” ~ Debra Mastaler, President, Alliance-Link
- “Organizations who can’t match up in content creation and promotion may find themselves losing out to content marketers who learn the basics of SEO.” ~ Rand Fishkin, CEO/Co-Founder, Moz
- “If search is amazing for knowing a person’s intent, social media is amazing for finding out what’s important to people, and what’s important to people they’re connected to.” ~ Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG
- “It is essential that marketers dig deeper into search, social, local mobile data to understand how they all work in tandem to impact ranking” ~ Jim Yu, CEO, BrightEdge
- “Know your market, have access to them directly and provide content and promotions you know will evoke an emotional response.” ~ Debra Mastaler, President, Alliance-Link
- “Integrating your online marketing efforts is all about breaking down silos and delivering amazing results. Social and SEO marketers are a big part of this.” ~ Jim Yu, CEO, BrightEdge
- “[Content Marketing] a more competitive environment certainly, but those who have real empathy for web users and influencers AND have the SEO skills to infuse their work with great keyword targeting, search accessibility, etc., are going to have ongoing success.” ~ Rand Fishkin, CEO/Co-Founder, Moz
- My rule of thumb is build a site for a user, not a spider. – Dave Naylor
- What makes content engaging is relevancy. – Gail Goodman
- Content is not king, but a president elected by the votes of those whom it aims to rule. – Raheel Farooq
- Care about your customers more than about yourself, and you’ll do well. – Derek Sivers
- Marketers need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale. – Chris Brogan
- “Content comes in many forms; we tend to think of written content when the term is used, but the reality is, video and image content can be more useful when it comes to influencing search and social results.” ~ Debra Mastaler, President, Alliance-Link
- “People will come to your site because you have good compelling content. You need to hit it from all angles: blog posts, articles, graphs, data, infographics, interactive content – even short pictures when you Tweet.” ~ Chris Bennett, Founder/CEO, 97th Floor
- “The key is to present the right content to the users at the time they need it in an engaging manner, across all channels they visit.” ~ Jim Yu, CEO, BrightEdge
- “If there’s a lot of buzz around one form of marketing, I tend to look for what makes it effective and use that information to branch into a different promotional area.” ~ Debra Mastaler, President, Alliance-Link
- “Social media marketers now have a huge opportunity to impact SEO, improve search rankings, and increase revenue generated through organic search.” ~ Jim Yu, CEO, BrightEdge
- “This is the era of less is more with SEO.” ~ Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG
- “It’s a good idea to understand how to work [Bing and Google] for maximum SEO and ranking benefit.” ~ Debra Mastaler, President, Alliance-Link
- “You have to stand apart by offering high quality, relevant experiences to audiences that you truly understand.” ~ Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG
- “Here’s the thing: the term ‘content marketing’ is just a rebranding of what good digital marketers already know and have been acting on for years.” ~ Marshall Simmonds, Founder, Define Media Group
- “Content is the key, because it’s how a website creates an online experience.” ~ Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG
- “Running with the herd is not always a great idea; be unique, and the links will come.” ~ Debra Mastaler, President, Alliance-Link
- “Content marketing needs to be at the heart of your SEO efforts. It has always been that way, but is even more so now because Google is so much more effective at understanding the context of content and how it is shared, etc.” ~ Chris Bennett, Founder/CEO, 97th Floor
- “Social media marketers that partner with their search marketer counterparts are finding success by focusing on the content that fuels social media activities and analyzing trends to unlock opportunities and maximize impact and revenue.” ~ Jim Yu, CEO, BrightEdge
- “Stay focused on creating engaging content experiences and impress visitors with thoughtful usability, making their job (answering their question) easier.” ~ Duane Forrester, Senior Product Manager, Bing
- “Everything you do has to drive content, and the rest takes care of itself.” ~ Chris Bennett, Founder/CEO, 97th Floor
- “Since John Deere published The Furrow in 1895, content marketing has been right in front of the consumer eye.” ~ Jim Yu, CEO, BrightEdge
- “Today it’s not about ‘get the traffic’ — it’s about ‘get the targeted and relevant traffic.'” ~ Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG
- “It is no coincidence that the increasing focus on content marketing closely follows the significant Google algorithmic changes aiming to give users a better search experience.” ~ Jim Yu, CEO, BrightEdge
- “Content is ANYTHING that creates a compelling experience. But it’s so much more, because you quickly realize that you can’t really know which content types to create until you understand which content types people want.” ~ Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG
- “It’s not that ‘content is king,’ but content certainly is The Hand of the King.” ~ Marshall Simmonds, Founder, Define Media Group
- “Content Marketing has become the catalyst that fuels search and social media activity.” ~ Jim Yu, CEO, BrightEdge
- A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is. – Scott Cook
- You have to ask yourself, whenever you are producing any type of content, Who will amplify this and why? ~ @randfish TechEmergence
- Better content is outweighing more content ~ @randfish moz.com
- Anchor text rich links are very important, but they’re also a huge signal for spam ~ @randfish moz.com
- The brands that can connect with client in a real way will win. – Gary Vaynerchuk
- “Never, ever, ever use a subdomain or a separate root domain to host your blog” ~ @randfish moz.com
- “A click-worthy title is actually worth a lot more than just a perfectly keyword-targeted title” ~ @randfish moz.com
- “Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.” – Seth Godin
- “We’ve got to create a unique, special experience for them and delight visitors in addition to satisfying their query” ~ @randfish moz.com
- “The trend of design toward simplicity and accessibility in software happened for a reason—simple sells, simple’s usable and simple scales” @randfish ~ logomaker
- “I’ve come to recognize that SEO will always carry a rough reputation, much like “used car salesman” or “wrongful injury attorney” or “member of congress”
- “When it comes to content and content marketing, you probably want to err on the side of making things SUPER amazing, not MVP”
- “I have never seen and never worked with a large site where improving crawl bandwidth didn’t mean significant increases in organic search traffic” ~ @randfish moz.com
- “There is probably 90% of my links where I have no control whatsoever over the anchor text, and that’s a good thing” ~ @randfish moz.com
- Calling your product, your brand, your series, your content a keyword phrase plus the brand name that you’ve got or the brand name plus a keyword phrase is truly highly effective ~ @randfish moz.com
- SEO folks…need to be involved with the branding and the product design and development folks, so that you make sure you’re taking advantage of what people call your products before they go to market ~ @randfish moz.com
- Measure your customer journey, not just your conversion path ~ @randfish moz.com
- Any time you’re doing keyword research I now suggest that you just can’t rely on AdWords alone. It’s not good enough ~ @randfish moz.com
- Approximately 5% of Google’s keyword data is still being reported. ~ @randfish moz.com
- You don’t have to buy links or only ads… You can reach people organically ~ @randfish moz.com
- Every test should be repeatable and repeated multiple times. ~ @randfish moz.com
- Some of the best link opportunities can be discovered by setting up email alerts for various things that are published on the web ~ @randfish moz.com
- SEO is no longer just a job title, it has become part of everyone’s job description ~ @randfish BigCommerce.com
- Google has become more aggressive at policing web spam, making it more difficult for offenders to recover from penalties ~ @randfish BigCommerce.com
- Google is shortening the searcher’s path, pulling content and putting it directly into the search results page ~ @randfish BigCommerce.com
- Google is withholding more keyword and attribution, making SEO even more challenging to measure and improve ~ @randfish BigCommerce.com
- #KeywordResearch–> Google AdWords is not enough ~ @randfish BigCommerce.com
- #ContentCreation –> “Good” and “unique” are not enough ~ @randfish com
- #LinkBuilding –> Links you build yourself are not enough ~ @randfish BigCommerce.com
- #MeasuringROI –> Sometimes the most valuable measurements aren’t enough ~ @randfish BigCommerce.com
- without any domain authority or any page authority, it’s next to impossible to rank for competitive terms ~ @randfish moz.com
- I find looking at websites that accomplish SEO without active link building fascinating ~ @randfish moz.com
- There’s a ton that SEOs can do to optimize and nudge and create intelligent, non-manipulative ways of earning links ~ @randfish ~ moz.com
- You’ve got to be wary of local colloquialisms ~ @randfish moz.com
- Three things on these nudges for embeds, calculators, outreach, any of these things, you’ve got to keep that text natural, authentic, and honest. It has to be real. It can’t feel spammy and manipulative. ~ @randfish moz.com
- You can turn a low conversion rate into a high one. But you can also in the long run cost your company if you aren’t measuring and thinking about the right things. ~ @randfish moz.com
- As SEOs, we’ve got to be asking ourselves, “Okay, how do we build up an association between our brand or our domain and the broad keywords, terms, topics, phrases, so that we can rank ~ @randfish ~ moz.com
- Even if it is the best converting keyword and our content resources are limited, we might want to target that on a bunch of different pages. ~ @randfish moz.com
- The bidding situation in AdWords makes it a lot more difficult to determine keyword performance, and keyword performance is something that’s critical to us. ~ @randfish ~ moz.com
- You’ve got to be using at the very least something like Google Suggest. I love the tool SEMrush. I love keywordtool.io. I think those are both excellent. ~ @randfish ~ moz.com
- AdWords tends to be very focused on commercial intent terms, things that they know people are trying to buy or do some sort of commercial activity around. ~ @randfish moz.com
- As you build up your domain authority, as you start to produce content directly for your customers that will influence them, it ranks in the engines. ~ @randfish moz.com
- You have to think of these people, these other ones — press, classic media, blogs, trade publications, events and conferences, social accounts, industry experts, whatever it is. ~ @randfish moz.com
- we may be getting more value than we think from a link that disappears in the future ~ @randfish ~ moz.com
- Rankings have to be part of the test, but they can’t be the only part ~ @randfish moz.com
- Anything that promotes or inhibits link growth helps or hurts SEO ~ @randfish moz.com
- Barnacle SEO: Leveraging other sites’ ranking for your own marketing efforts ~ @randfish moz.com
- If formal usability testing is too expensive, and for most small and medium sizes business it really is, try these three apps: Silverbackapp.com, FeedbackArmy.com, and UserTesting.com ~ @randfish moz.com
- #Blogging–> “if you want to earn that participation, you need to participate first” ~ @randfish moz.com
- #Blogging–> “the first few people who are commenting on your blog, go check them out if they’ve left an email address, or a Twitter profile, or they’ve connected to their Disqus profile… whatever kind of commenting system you’ve got, make sure that you are going and figuring them out and at least at the very least, sending them a thank you over email or over Twitter” ~ @randfish moz.com
- #Blogging–> mention, quote, include, and reference influencers ~ @randfish moz.com
- #Blogging–> experiment with home grown or self-created visuals, and in addition to visuals, data ~ @randfish moz.com
- #Blogging–> the most common ways your blog is likely to earn interactions that lead to links. And, those are translation and repurposing rights ~ @randfish moz.com
- #Blogging–> having disparate opinions and challenging the status quo is a very powerful way to build up a unique voice and a unique audience ~ @randfish moz.com
- The right way to think about social sharing. It is not fire and forget; it’s being thoughtful about messaging in a timely fashion to different audiences ~ @randfish moz.com
- A lot of these folks fail to consider SEO properly…they think of content marketing almost like it’s a viral effort. ~ @randfish moz.com
- Branded search is very important, because when people perform branded queries …you want to make sure you show up correctly in the search engines ~ @randfish moz.com
- SEO Slog: putting a lot of effort into improving your rankings, improving your content… but you’re not seeing results. ~ @randfish moz.com
- Make sure SEO isn’t your only inbound traffic channel, and it’s not the only inbound marketing effort that you’re working on ~ @randfish moz.com
- Sort pages receiving traffic from search engines by mobile device…These are the pages where Google sends traffic from mobile devices to my site ~ @randfish moz.com
- You can do a lot of things to improve the performance of your mobile pages, and that includes obviously speeding up download speeds, but limiting ads, particularly overlays. ~ @randfish moz.com
- With mobile limiting choice is even more valuable than it is on a desktop/laptop experience” ~ @randfish moz.com
- I would urge you not to use density as a metric, not to think about it. You won’t find it in our keyword tools. You won’t find it in most good keyword tools. ~ @randfish moz.com
- Go for the better user experience every time. ~ @randfish moz.com
- Providing unique value is essential ~ @randfish moz.com
- If you have an older page, it can be very wise to retire that content in favor of something newer and fresher ~ @randfish moz.com
- In my opinion, we will continue to see links in Google’s rankings systems for at least the next five and probably the next ten years ~ @randfish moz.com
- Don’t ignore the value that you get from activities that might not directly earn you a link — just because those things don’t earn you a link ~ @randfish moz.com
- Guest blogging, guest posting, in that classic SEO for a link fashion, is not a great idea. But it can still be a great channel to earn brand awareness and attention ~ @randfish moz.com
- Improve your rankings: “make your snippets better and your pages serve that intent” ~ @randfish moz.com
- You make your pages faster, the Internet will reward you. ~ @randfish moz.com
- Leverage your network to help attract those links, shares, traffic, endorsements, etc ~ @randfish moz.com
- Identify the pages on your site that make people happy but that aren’t earning organic search traffic…Go improve those. ~ @randfish moz.com
- Classic competitive link building is still just as valuable as it ever has been and not just for SEO, but for the traffic you can earn ~ @randfish moz.com
- Create lots of unique content to differentiate your site/page from others using the same material ~ @randfish moz.com
- #DuplicateContent–> use iframes to keep it kind of out of the engine’s index, or at least not associated with this particular URL ~ @randfish moz.com
- Take content which is largely duplicative and apply aggregation, visualization, or modifications to that duplicate content in order to build something unique and valuable and new that can rank well ~ @randfish moz.com
- The interesting thing about influencers is they need new, unique content to share all the time ~ @randfish moz.com
- Twitter is really a platform for influencing, growing influence, gaining that thought leadership and authority ~ @randfish moz.com
- Influencers can amplify social reach to your audience. ~ @randfish moz.com
- Influencers can provide links, mentions, and other kinds of signals that search engines use to rank sites higher ~ @randfish moz.com
- The likelihood of earning an influencer’s amplification is related to things like the personal connection that you have with them ~ @randfish moz.com
- A lot of influencers who share content and material that makes either themselves or their brand or company, if they work for a brand or company, look good ~ @randfish moz.com
- Likelihood of earning an influencer’s amplification = relevance of your work to their audience ~ @randfish moz.com
- All links are not created equal. ~ @randfish moz.com
- If you’re trying to reach that new audience that another site or page or blog has captured, great. Guest posting is a wonderful choice. ~ @randfish com
- #GuestBlogging–> For your marquee content, your best stuff, I strongly… suggest using your own site. ~ @randfish moz.com
- #Homepage–> Make all the major sections easy to find/navitgate to ~ @randfish moz.com
- #Homepage–> make it visual to easily explain what the product, company, service does” ~ @randfish moz.com
- #Homepage–> “If you offer lots of products, make sure to convey the value proposition of what you do. ~ @randfish moz.com
- The thing that I really like having on your homepage is a call to action. ~ @randfish moz.com
- People will scroll. Just make sure to make the page’s experience compelling to draw the eye down ~ @randfish moz.com
- #Homepage–> Give social proof / credibility signals ~ @randfish moz.com
- #Homepage–> Answer some commonly asked / intuitive / empathetic questions ~ @randfish moz.com
- #Homepage–> Focus on the most critical visitors and the needs ~ @randfishmoz.com
- #Homepage–> Focus on a very small subset of keywords, possibly just brand-centric ones” ~ @randfish moz.com
- “SEO is powerful precisely because it’s hard to predict and hard to measure.”
- The SEO I knew and loved 8 years ago still works sometimes, but increasingly, you’ll get beat …on the content/branding/social elements.
- It’s not the secrecy of the algorithm, it’s the challenge of execution that makes SEO (and all of marketing hard).
- I like to say that even if we got a copy of Google’s algorithm and understood every piece of it, we’d probably do very little differently.
- For the first 5 years of SEOmoz’s marketing efforts, I doubt I spent [$200] on anything — just blogged, participated in communities, produced some interesting one-off content …
- Today it’s not about ‘get the traffic’ – it’s about ‘get the targeted and relevant traffic.’ – Adam Audette
- Never forget social media is for reach but email is for revenue. – Bryan Eisenberg
- Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. – Mark Zuckerberg
- It is not the job of search engine optimization to make a pig fly. It is the job of the SEO to genetically reengineer the Web site so that it becomes an eagle. — Bruce Clay
- SEO is only not seen as rocket science BY THOSE WHO ALREADY KNOW IT. — Danny Sullivan, Search Engine Land
- SEO’s are the new real estate developers. Our skillset gives us an amazing opportunity to develop an audience on the cheap. — Brian Provost, Scoreboard Media
- You can chase whatever keywords and phrases you like, but at the end of the day it’s all about those conversions. –Matt Webb, SEO Honolulu
- My rule of thumb is build a site for a user not a spider. — Dave Naylor, DavidNaylor.co.uk (DaveN)
- SEO is a noun, verb, and adjective. — Todd Malicoat, Stuntdubl
- Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first. — Wendy Piersall, ProBlogger guest postSEO is not SPAM. — Matt Cutts
- Marketing is really just about sharing your passion. – Michael Hyatt
- A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others. – Lee Odden
- Connect, create meaning, make a difference, matter, be missed. – Seth Godin
- It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling your traffic. – Jeff Eisenberg
- Content is king, but marketing is queen, and runs the household. – Gary Vaynerchuk
- You have to start with the basic premise that you need to know what your competition is doing. – Guy Kawasaki
- Online is old news. Online in social media is today’s news … Social media is not a subset of the internet. Social media is the internet. – Sean Case
- Opportunities in social media marketing seem boundless; the best do not seek to disrupt conversations but to integrate – to add something useful and compelling. – Nuri Djavit
- Good content isn’t about good storytelling. It’s about telling a true story well. – Ann Handley
- The Internet makes money for you when you build something that is real and when it matters to people! – Darren Rowse
- A blog with a business backend (i.e. products to sell and a method to sell them) is the key to a six-figure income as a blogger. – David Risley
- Selling stuff is easy. All you gotta do is give away stuff that makes people happy …and then sell stuff that makes ‘em even happier. – Frank Kern
- Content is King but engagement is Queen, and the lady rules the house! – Mari Smith
- Getting the Like is easy. It’s a light action. Anything else requires trust. – Jon Loomer
- Word of mouth can be as important, if not more important, for neighborhood businesses as traditional advertising. – Ekaterina Walter
- Empower your readers with social sharing buttons. – Mike Stelzner
- The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing. – Tom Fishburne
- “The three essential elements of an effective SEO are effective communication, useful information and high quality backlinks.” – SEO Refugee
- “Social media is about connecting with customers in a meaningful way – a way the customer determines is meaningful.” – Duane Forrester, Senior Product Manager, Bing
- “SEO is fundamentally a set of methodologies that make it easier for search engines to find, include, categorize and rank your web content.” – Lee Odden, Online Marketing Blog
- “The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of Google search“ – Anonymous
- Websites don’t link to other websites. People point to other people’s work. (Lyndon Antcliff, Cornwall SEO)
- If you want links, not traffic, Twitter is pretty much useless.- (Patrick Altoft, Branded3)
- You have about 2.7 seconds to reach a linker. (Lyndon Antcliff, Cornwall SEO)
- It doesn’t matter if a link is paid for or not. Important is if the end product looks like a paid link or not. (Patrick Altoft, Branded3)
- Alexa data is slightly better than random guessing.(Rand Fishkin, SEOmoz)
- For most brand (authority) sites with some good rankings, it only a needs a couple of good anchor text links to get good rankings. If you are not a brand, you need to look natural. (Patrick Altoft, Branded3)
- Search engines can automatically determine if a link is in a footer or sidebar and devaluate those. (Rand Fishkin, SEOmoz)
- Wrong settings in a robots.txt could delay Google search indexing on your website(Luisella Mazza, Google)
- If somebody links to you, show some gratitude (for example put it on twitter, stumble upon etc.) (Patrick Altoft, Branded3)
- When you have little links per page, a sitewide internal link can get a new page ranking quickly. (Rand Fishkin, SEOmoz)
- Treat your email subject, twitter post, etc if it were a headline. (Lyndon Antcliff, Cornwall SEO)
- Crawling is not a guarantee you’re indexed. (Rand Fishkin, SEOmoz)
- Don’t worry too much about duplicate content. (Luisella Mazza, Google)
- Does an affiliate marketing program cause a traffic drop? No, but pure affiliate sites are unlikely to rank. (Luisella Mazza, Google)
- Will hacking websites work? Yes… reason for telling this: it can happen to you. (Mikkel deMib Svendsen, deMib.com)
- We don’t bother with digg anymore, it’s too much of hit and miss. We make a personal promotion network (Patrick Altoft, Branded3)
- A 12 year old has a better performance dashboard than an 40 year old CMO (referring to world of warcraft) (Brian Featherstonhaugh, Ogilvy)
- “SEO is Invisible Yet Omnipresent.” (Prakash Chandra, Candent SEO)
- “Attention is The True Currency Online” (Prakash Chandra, Candent SEO)
What I have learned from these SEO Quotes:
# SEO Is An Ever Changing World, What’s Best Now May Not Become The Best Tomorrow.
# Just A Right Strategy Is Needed To Be On The Top Of Your Business Game.
# SEO Is Not Rocket Science; You Just Need To Use Your Head.
# Work Your Dreams, Weigh Things And Read Between The Lines.
# Passion In SEO Is A Motivating Factor To Success.
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