Prakash Chandra is the focused Professional Blogger and SEO Expert with zeal to make the significant contribution in growth-oriented organizations. He is a techno-geek straddling over digital marketing and web exposures, have carved a niche in the industry.
Increase Your Website Traffic By Avoiding These 10 SEO Mistakes
Monday, 23 November 2015
Want to increase your website traffic via organic search? Start by avoiding these common SEO mistakes. Redesigning your website lets you improve your site’s performance in search to make sure your traffic spikes. There are a some SEO mistakes that you should avoid. Avoid these 10 SEO mistakes when you’re working on your SEO campaign to make sure your efforts pay off. Increase
- Published in Infographics
How Google Really Works: Spiders and Crawling [Infographic]
Friday, 13 November 2015
A vivified representation of the creepy crawlies and algorithm that make the inquiry monster(Google) the powerhouse it is today Google is a part of our ordinary lives, something we practically underestimate. In any case, have you ever considered how it functions? In spite of the fact that there are bunches of complex procedures going ahead
- Published in Infographics