Hunger Games is a Hollywood movie which most probably you all would have seen. A bunch of kids fighting for their lives in a constantly changing environment.
The movie’s story is actually very much different from our lives. We either adapt to what’s currently happening or we die.
Comparing the advertising landscape to Hunger Games might be an exaggeration.
But Yes!!
The fact remains same. Our industry is changing rapidly, evolving as such of crazy. Technology released within the past few years are very strongly leading impact onto the market.
Today, company providing innovations are appearing at a faster pace than ever before, disrupting the advertising world, as we know it.
There’s still a few months till the end of 2018, and as 2019 is approaching, the digital marketing landscape which encompasses SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media and more is witnessing a dramatic shift.
There might have been a time when you could have dismissed artificial intelligence or visual search as gimmicks from the latest blockbuster science fiction film, but that time is long gone.
Today, in this high-tech, Internet-connected era, we are noticing numerous emerging trends in digital marketing and strategies are evolving and your business now seriously need to use them for succeeding its efforts. This is because the strategies worked for you last year may not work this year too.
Here below some key digital marketing trends for 2019 have been discussed for you guys. Though we’re not sure yet, but of course being a digital marketer, have a few predictions for the upcoming new year.
Digital Marketing Trends for 2019
Have a glance at how the ever-changing digital marketing landscape may look in just a few months.
The Rise of Smart Speakers (Voice is going to continue to rise)
The enhancement made in recent years in the fields of natural language processing, automatic and machine learning, conversation interfaces and deep learning processes have truly enabled virtual assistants to become increasingly intelligent and beneficial.
According to current stats,
Around one-third of the 3.5 billion searches performed everyday on Google are voice searches, with personal assistant devices leading the way.
This is actually the reason why smart speakers such as Google Home, Amazon Alexa and Apple HomePod are making waves today in the consumer technology market.
As per stats,
Around 65% of the smart speaker owners say that they wouldn’t want to go back to life without their voice-controlled assistant.
Now the question here is how does this tie in with digital marketing?
We’ll hopefully see more and more online publications embracing voice and publishing audio content to these devices. They actually do this in the hope of landing a sport on listener’s ‘Flash Briefing’, encouraging their followers to follow daily.
What’s more!!
Expectations are high of more ads on these platforms – after all, publications are required to monetize content. With Google, Amazon and Apple, expectations are high that they would launch their own advertising platform for this, rendering it easier for companies to buy and sell ad space.
Chatbots and AI are here to stay (Chatbots will become a normal thing)
With chatbots, expectations are of constant growth in 2019.
It is now expected to be the first place someone goes to order a pizza, select a mobile plan, or even book a hotel room. Chatbots will now for surely enable users to do all this without any hassle of downloading a native app.
Chatbots are faster than humans in giving any sort of data-associated answers and taking requests. They include humor and personalities.
According to LivePerson stats,
Only about 19% of the 5,000 people surveyed had a negative perception of chatbots. Rest 33% had a very positive view and 48% were indifferent so long as their troubles got resolved.
So, what waiting for??
Stay ahead of the curve and develop a chatbot for your brand.
They’re comparatively easier to developer and might make the difference between closing a quick sale or losing a customer to a service with an easy-to-use chatbot. This is especially applicable in the cases of food delivery.
Live Video (Video will keep growing and be at the top of the tree)
Today video is being referred as the winner of the race of most successful medium of marketing in 2019 and assumptions are high that graph this would be continue into 2019. It genuinely make sense, as the average attention span of customers is short, and majority of the people refer rather watching a video than that of reading a blog post.
Currently, live video is a very large factor in marketing, as it directly connects engaged customers to products and services. In case if you keep desires of catching customers attention, then most probably you will find them on social media. Platforms such as Facebook Live has provided marketers with the opportunity to be in the face of their respective target market.
Next year, live video feeds will for surely continue to explode, however the most vital aspect going forward would be originality. Interactive video and imaginative video marketing, which encourages user engagement will very rapidly outpace video for the sake of moving pictures.
Customers get bored quickly, so brands using video for engaging and exciting users will win.
As per digital marketing experts,
Simply adding a video to an email boosts click through rate by a staggering 200-300 percent, and putting one that on a landing page brings increment in the conversion rate by 80%.
So, to work in the digital marketing space successfully, its important to ensure that you don’t fall behind in video arena. In almost each and every marketing area, videos outperforms better than those of several other mediums.
Look at your respective business activities and then work out the most effective way to get video marketing incorporated into your strategy.
AR or VR (Choose your reality)
Today’s user keeps desire of mainly two things – to be engaged and to be an active participant in brand messaging. Augmented and Virtual Realities (AR and VR) includes potential of fulfilling both of these requirements, offering brands tremendous opportunities in the custom experience field.
Talking of these two realities,
Though they might have taken a bit of time to hit the big leagues, but for sure there is significant evidence which they are about to.
For those who don’t know,
While augmented reality is imagery/video layered on the top of reality, virtual reality is a completely generated reality via the usage of a head-mounted device.
There are numerous inventive ways in which marketers can make use of AR/VR technology for making a more visceral experience for customers. The technique ties into the video perfectly, handling its control to the user. The realities makes for a highly immersive experience and all known immersion is a surefire way of connecting to a customer via a range of senses and emotions.
Businesses are already making usage of this new technology in creating brand awareness and selling the individual products. IKEA, for example is using VR gaming technology since 2016. With it’s shopping app (IKEA VR Experience), its customers can try out several distinct IKEA solutions before purchasing them. Other big players which have experimented with AR includes Starbucks, Nivea and Volkswagen.
Augmented and Virtual realities are very rapidly becoming commonplace as a marketing tool for brands.
Social Media Has Taken it All Over
There are around 3.196 billion global media users, that equates to 42% market penetration. With such numbers, its significance to society cannot just get ignored – especially in the market field.
As the way today social media has become embedded in almost everyone’s daily life, understanding the changes implemented in the social networks is vital for businesses.
Well, these change a lot.
Currently, the most popular social trends are automation, video, and influencers. However there is much more.
We’ve taken the time for analyzing today’s social media landscape and thus identified vital digital marketing trends 2019.
The main important aspect to keep remember is that today dominating a single platform is just not enough. Your leads on FB are not on YouTube, and those on YouTube are absolutely different to those reading your website content.
So, the key to your success is to re-purpose your content across multiple (relevant) platforms.
Social media do have a very big impact. In case if you haven’t given much thought to your social media marketing strategy till yet, now is the time!!
Visual Search (Might be Bigger than you think)
Machine learning is taking online search to new levels. It’s not just the voice search now that’s on the rise. However many have been focused on the marketing potential of capturing conversational queries thrown at personal assistants.
Big brands like Google, Pinterest and Microsoft have been focused on developing a stronger competitor in interactive SEO : Visual Search
Visual search includes potential of taking the user experience to a totally new level. With visual search, users can now upload an image to conduct a search and get more specific results.
Regardless of the fact above illustrated description of visual search sounds incredible, the technology surrounding visual search is yet limited. This is mainly because machine learning must recreate the mind’s image processing before it could efficiently produce a viable visual search application.
It’s not just about identifying an image, but for a machine its also important to recognize a variety of colors, sizes, shapes and patterns the way the human mind does.
How to make the above mentioned Digital Marketing Trends 2019 work for you
Here in this blog, we have shared a lot of different digital market trends to expect to see in 2019 and wouldn’t expect a single business to implement them all at once.
Yes, but its important to look at competitors and similar industries to see what they have done or doing in these areas.
Its good to be good at something instead of being OK at lots.
So, concentrating on one of aforementioned areas would be of better usage of funds and time. Now using one doesn’t mean you just pick the coolest sounding or one you enjoy yourself. But it should be one which have a place in your marketing strategy. This would prevent you from wasting your funds.
Now coming to digital marketing companies and talking of Patna, it would be definitely wrong to deny the fact that here numerous successfully running digital marketing companies exists. However when it’s about trustworthiness, you just cannot ignore Candent SEO.
Candent SEO is Patna’s top digital marketing and SEO Services Company. Based mainly in Patna, this digital marketing company in Patna provides full-suite Internet marketing services. From conceptualization and strategy to final-stage execution, Candent SEO implements your entire digital marketing strategy.
Towards digital marketing, Candent SEO keeps a 360 degree approach and thus offers services such as Web Design, Social Media Marketing, SEO, Pay-Per-Click Advertising and Application Development.